
Plantation Run Xaymaca Spec Dry Rum

SKU: plantation-run-xaymaca-spec-dry

Plantation Run Xaymaca Spec Dry Rum is a flavored rum that pays homage to Jamaica’s rum-making traditions. It is made using a traditional pot still distillation method and aged for at least three years in oak casks. This rum offers a distinct character and complexity at an affordable price point. Whether enjoyed neat or in cocktails, it provides an authentic taste of Jamaica’s rum culture for under $50.

100 in stock


Are you looking for a distinctive and bold rum with a dry character? Look no further than Plantation Run Xaymaca Spec Dry Rum! This rum is crafted using traditional methods and showcases the expertise of Jamaican rum makers. It offers a satisfying drinking experience that you won’t want to miss. Best Whiskey Online is proud to deliver this original product right to your doorstep. With an ABV of 43%, it’s the perfect addition to your rum collection.